During a fire, a young boy named Noah Woods, who was only 5 years old at the time, was able to save not just one person but seven, including himself and other members of his family. This heroic act gained the hearts of many people.
After the dog had been barking nonstop while they were sleeping, Noah’s mother had finally come to their senses.
Then, she noticed smoke pouring from the room where her kid was sleeping. Because the house did not have a smoke detector, she would have remained asleep if it weren’t for the dog barking at her.
However, they were nowhere to be found. They were taken aback when they spotted the two of them outside.
It would appear that Noah was courageous enough to take immediate action to save himself and his younger sister Lily, who is only 2 years old, and bring her outside.
Naturally, he didn’t forget about their dog, who ended up playing an important role in rousing his mother from her sleep. However, he did not end his actions there. After that, he informed their relatives who were residing on the same property as them.
Noah’s courageous action earned commendation from a fire officer. “Wow, that’s incredible. The firefighter explained that “a lot of grownups wouldn’t have responded that calmly and that rapidly to be able to do it.”
When asked about what he did to save his sister, Noah had just this to say: “I picked her up,” which suggests that he was oblivious of how significant his efforts were.
Naturally, Noah was recognized for his heroic and unselfish deed, which resulted in the saving of multiple lives, as it was well merited.
The month of February 2020 marked Noah’s official induction as an honorary firefighter in Bartow County, which is located in the state of Georgia.
In spite of the fact that the fire department was unable to provide Noah with an official firefighter uniform that was tailored to fit him, they did present him with a number of unique mementos, such as firefighter pajamas, an official department badge, and a Life-Saving Valor Award for his bravery.
On top of everything else, Valentine’s Day had been designated as Noah Woods Day in Bartow County every year.
Even though Noah was the one who ended up saving his family, his mother deserves some of the credit for it because she had already educated him about fire safety before the incident took place, however, Noah demonstrated that even young children are capable of doing heroic deeds.