How do you think you would react if someone referred to your house as a “eyesore”?
That is just what Jimmy Curcuru and his wife, Marilyn, were informed by a total stranger about their home in Gloucester, Massachusetts. The previous evening, the unknown individual placed a letter on their property that said, “Please paint me! Eyesore.”
Due to the fact that the couple has had to contend with various health problems over the years, they have been forced to delay making modifications to their Perkins Street home.
Jimmy stated, “I know a lot of these neighbors, and I know that wouldn’t come from any of them.”
When individuals from many parts of the globe learned about what had happened to the Curcurus, it sparked the beginning of a major movement. The couple received more than $100,000 in contributions via a GoFundMe campaign that ran for nine months.
Jimmy and Marilyn used the money that was donated to them to make improvements to their house by getting a new roof, new siding, new windows, and new exterior stairs. And whomever wrote the message saw his “wish” fulfilled when the Curcurus were able to give their cherished house a new coat of paint as a result of the Curcurus’ good fortune.
When he was asked about it, Jimmy stated, ” You should know that when going through this, a lot of individuals offer money, even if they don’t have the money. It blows my mind that people are willing to part with funds that they might put to better use for themselves in order to help others.”
Jimmy continued by saying, “With the epidemic, people have enough things to worry about for themselves on their own, yet they still do it for other people.” “That’s quite a piece of information.”
In connection with the topic of house improvements, an elderly citizen living in Woburn, Massachusetts got the same act of charity from complete strangers.
Gloria is very thankful to each and every person who contributed to the success of this endeavor as well.