A DNA test has shed light on a long-held mystery about the true identity of the actress Julia Roberts’s parentage.
The revelation must have been quite a rude awakening for the famous actor from Hollywood.
When actress Julia Roberts chose to research her family history, she was surprised to learn that her great-great-grandfather had an affair.
This revelation rocked her to her very core. When Julia found out the news, she was taken aback by it, she said, “Oh, wait, but am I not a Roberts?”
After further investigation, Julia discovered that her great-great-grandfather was in fact a person who went by the name Henry McDonald Mitchell Jr. Julia needed a whole 60 seconds to go through the meaning of that piece of information.
Can you even fathom having the identity you’ve known your entire life completely flipped on its head?
Julia said, “On the one hand, I – honestly – my mind is blown and it is fascinating,” referring to how she felt about the situation. “And then, on the other side, there is a portion of me that, when I’m in a more composed state, is still able to wrap its arms around the concept that my family is my family. And Roberts is the name I’ve always liked better!”
In spite of the unexpected turn of events, actress Julia Roberts was able to go deeper into her family tree and learn more about her heritage. It was possible to trace the Mitchell family tree all the way back to a colony in Virginia that existed in the 1800s. That’s quite amazing, don’t you think?