People who were leaving their jobs in Paraaque, Philippines never anticipated seeing a spectacle that would blow their minds as they griped about being trapped in the heavy traffic.
Ameniel Del Mundo, a commuter, was reportedly walking down the street when he saw the touching sight, which captured his attention and prompted him to stop and watch it.
Ameniel was moved by what he witnessed on his way home from work, and he subsequently shared a picture of a woman and her child on Facebook.
According to what Ameniel stated in his article, “Despite living in poverty and without any material items, the mother and her kid continued to be happy and satisfied, and they could be seen playing about.”
It brought home to him right away how fortunate he was in comparison to the two people who were homeless; nonetheless, he did not seem to be as appreciative or pleased as they were.
“Although we have no control over the events that take place in our lives, we do have the power to choose how we will respond to whatever comes our way. This is the reason why choosing happiness is always an option,” the guy stated in a different post on Facebook.
One user said that the video was “proof that happiness is being with the ones you love and not only having the material things in life”.
On the other hand, a number of individuals voiced their disagreement with the message, arguing that the unfavorable circumstances that the mother and the boy presently find themselves in should not be glorified.
One member of the online community made the observation that “only those who are fortunate and affluent would identify this as being happy and pleased.”
After some time had passed, Ameniel went back to the location where he and his companion had been observed earlier, but they were no longer there.
According to an update that he posted on Facebook, he said, “For those who wished to assist, we are still looking for them since yesterday, since we can’t locate the family.”
He continued by saying, “Will update as soon as we discover them.”