This is an incredible story about an unexpected hero who saved a woman’s life. Shannon Lorio’s life was in jeopardy after she crashed her car on a rural Georgia road and became trapped inside. A dog approached her from the bushes as she lay in her crushed automobile.
The German Shepherd rushed into the car and began licking her face. He kept her awake and dragged her out of the car, more than 100 feet back to the road. Before becoming unconscious, she was able to wave down a passing automobile.
Shannon explains the circumstances surrounding her rescue by Hero in the video below.
“That puppy will always have a particular place in my heart,” Shannon remarked. “He’s a hero of mine.”
After saving Shannon’s life in 2010, the German Shepherd was given the moniker “Hero” by the Humane Society. Hero’s owners signed him over, and he was adopted by Heidy Drawdy, a canine search and rescue trainer. He undoubtedly saved more lives!
Tell your friends and family about Hero and Shannon’s tale!