The passionate story of Romeo and Juliet pales in contrast to the love story of Clarence Purvis, a 93-year-old widower, and Carolyn Todd, the woman he was married to before she passed away.
The elderly guy said that he and his beloved wife Carolyn had had lunch at Smith’s Diner in South Georgia for the last thirteen years.
Clarence and his devoted wife Carolyn continued to observe this custom up to Carolyn’s tragic passing in October of 2013.
Clarence made the decision to have lunch with his cherished memory of his late wife, Carolyn, despite the fact that it had been five years since Carolyn met an unfortunate end. In the past, Clarence would love having lunch with his cherished wife sitting right by him; these days, however, he enjoys his substantial meal with a picture of Carolyn placed on the table.
“She was constantly with me while we were living,” the retired auto mechanic said with the local news station, “she’s with me now,” with the conviction that so long as Carolyn is a part of his heart, he will never be without her presence in his life.
“Ain’t nobody loved one another more than we loved one another.”
The proprietor of Clarence and Carolyn’s favorite cafe, Joyce James, had nothing but kind things to say about the couple’s motivational connection.
Joyce James characterized their performance as “unbelievable.” It was very clear to anybody who looked that they cherished one another.
Joyce James saw first-hand how completely smitten the two old people were with one another.
So when the day finally arrived when Clarence showed up with a photo of Carolyn, Joyce wasn’t startled or astonished at all.