Donnie Wahlberg, an actor, fell in love with Jenny McCarthy, and as a result, he also fell in love with McCarthy’s son, Evan Asher. Evan, who has autism, did not have any kind of interaction with his biological father at the time.
However, Donnie made a significant effort to help his stepson, and the story of their relationship is wonderfully motivational.
Having a kid who is on the autism spectrum carries with it a significant number of hardships and difficulties.
Children who have autism spectrum disorder, however, are not any less deserving of our gratitude because of this fact.
But unfortunately for Evan Asher, it seemed that his father couldn’t get beyond the fact that Evan had autism and eventually abandoned the family. For a very long period, Evan did not have a father figure in his life, after that, though, the actor Donnie Wahlberg showed up.
When Donnie first saw Jenny McCarthy, he was completely taken aback by her. He admired Jenny so much for how devoted she was to raising her kid. After dating for a considerable amount of time together, Donnie finally came to the conclusion that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Jenny and Evan. Therefore, the two of them conspired to come up with a way to propose to Jenny.
Before Donnie stepped into the room with a ring, Evan and Donnie scribbled down the phrase “Will you marry me” on four separate cards. Evan then gave each card to Jenny before Donnie entered the room with the ring.
“In addition to being the finest wife that I could have ever dreamed of having, she is also the best mother and stepmother that anybody could ask for.
She is a wonderful partner, and if I had to boil it down to its essence, I would say that having someone to develop traditions with my children and it being Jenny is probably the thing I am most thankful for “Donnie stated.
Donnie does his best to demonstrate to Evan, via his acts, how much love there is for him. Jenny McCarthy was thinking back on one of the Christmas presents that Donnie had given to Evan.
She said that “one Christmas, early on, Donnie delivered me one of the best presents ever, which was…that he was taking care of Evan’s college tuition.”
What a really moving illustration of what it means to be loved by one’s parent.