His parents are proud of him and his unusual locks, even after learning that their kid has a rare condition that affects his…

There have only been 100 documented examples of uncombable hair syndrome reported throughout the whole world, and one of them is a lovable youngster by the name of Locklan Samples.

Through the use of Instagram, the mother of the one-year-old boy, Katelyn Samples of Atlanta, Georgia, has been spreading awareness of a rare genetic illness that her son has by posting pictures of him there.

Samples, who was 33 at the time, found out about uncombable hair syndrome for the first time in July 2021. A fan had written her a message on the site, inquiring as to whether or not her kid had been identified as having the ailment.

Locklan had black hair as a newborn, then at around the age of five months, as his new hair started to grow in, it began to appear like “peach fuzz.”

People who have uncombable hair syndrome have hair that is exceedingly fine, straw-colored, and dull in texture. Their hair grows in all directions, making it hard to comb it down or smooth it out. This condition is often referred to as “spinning glass hair.”

Different patterns of hair shaft production are the root cause of this disorder, which manifests itself most often in youngsters between the ages of three months and 12 years.

The condition known as uncombable hair syndrome often gets better around puberty or maturity. Locklan is, fortunately, growing properly in every other manner, and the family has been assured by the physicians that there is no reason for alarm at this time.

When they walk outdoors, a lot of people stare at Locklan’s hair since it is so unique.

People often want to touch it, which his parents are OK with as long as they make the request first.

Samples has been documenting Locklan’s experience on various social media platforms since she was given the diagnosis of uncombable hair syndrome.

She wants to raise awareness about the issue and make connections with other individuals who are going through something similar.

Samples said that their reaction was something along the lines of, “Let’s share him, let’s share his story, and sort of be a resource for other parents who could find themselves in the same position that my husband and I were in.”

She expressed her amazement at the number of texts she received including the phrase “Seeing him definitely brightened my day.”

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