Nobody can make us laugh as much as our family. That’s what occurred to one Canadian family on December 26th, when it was time to say their final goodbyes to their sister.
Caroline Charter uploaded the video, titled “Canadian Driveway Ice Hysterics,” and stated, “This just made my Christmas…
The ice storm rendered my parents’ driveway dangerous for my sister Suzanne and me.
Mum contributed the hysterical laughing track. You must watch with the sound on! Notes: The car has winter tires; no one was intoxicated; her boots are Sorels; and the roads were salted and gritted, so driving was totally safe.
Nonetheless, Suzanne’s struggle to get into her car, as well as her mother’s laughs, is pure comic gold! Mom’s laughing has become such an Internet hit that the family is planning to turn it into a ringtone shortly! “The family that laughs together, stays together,” as the proverb goes.