Whether you like movies or not, you have undoubtedly watched “Grease” at least once.
The iconic film was based on the 1971 musical of the same name and starred actors and actresses who went on to have great Hollywood successes.
One of these actors is John Travolta. The “Grease” buzz lives on, and the picture is rated as the second most popular of all time.
It’s hardly surprising, however, that on the 40th anniversary of “Grease,” there was much excitement for the 40th-anniversary celebration in 2018.
We may be biased, but John Travolta is still as amazing now as he was forty years ago.
And he still has the moves, as he proved on Jimmy Fallon’s program.

In the last part of the movie, Jimmy tries to draw a move that Travolta and his partner, Olivia Newton-John, did.
Travolta admitted, “I did grow up with all these sorts of novelty dances.” So they needed a step in Grease for the climactic ‘You’re the One That I Want.’ ‘We used to do the four corners,’ I explained. “Why don’t we try?”
It’s an opportunity too good to pass up, and Jimmy takes advantage of it by questioning
Could you just show it to me?
Travolta enters the stage to applause from the audience, and the song “You’re the One That I Want” begins to play!
Jimmy joins in on the fun, standing close to the “Grease” actor and copying his moves by jumping on the soles of his feet.
Travolta takes off, swinging his hips in the renowned “four corners” method, strolling back and forth and striking the “four corners” after waiting “until it gets into a great beat.”
It’s a simple pattern that Jimmy soon learns, and the two dance in tandem.
They applaud and chant, and Jimmy encourages the audience to give it up for John Travolta, who is still dancing.
While many men in their late sixties would be embarrassed on the dance floor, Travolta proved that he still got it.
His stunning features certainly helped, but according to Vanity Fair, he was also a talented dancer before pursuing acting. That is always advantageous!
If you need a pick-me-up, watch John Travolta and Jimmy Fallon do the “four corners”!