When you need assistance with a problem in your house, you normally call a firm and hope that someone can come out immediately. Nevertheless, while the individual generally contributes to the problem’s resolution, it’s not every day that their acts warm your heart.
The thoughtfulness of her internet technician astounded one South Carolina mother. She shared her experience online, and it has since made people happy.
The family’s day was turned around by a Spectrum Internet technician.
Jessica Nash Donnahoo, the family’s mother, turned to Facebook to share her very heartwarming story.
The technician, Robert, was on his way to the family’s residence to improve their internet and get their TV streaming going. That shouldn’t have been such a huge issue, right?
Except that particular family was having a bad day. He truly stepped into shambles.
Jessica stated in her Facebook post:
“Sailor, my kid, is three years old.” “He was born blind and with two unusual brain abnormalities.”
The mother went on to explain that Sailor is unable to articulate his needs, and that day in particular he was having a really difficult time.
She attempted to assist him while also caring for her kid, cleaning, doing laundry, and so on—all while her husband was at work.
It was a huge assistance to the fatigued mother.
“Robert might have strolled in, rushed, and left, but instead he identified a need larger than the internet and addressed it. That is more than just customer service; it is humanity at its finest. Robert is deserving of a raise, a promotion, anything! “He’s a valuable asset to your firm, and I’ll never forget his generosity.”
We absolutely think that Robert deserves recognition for this beautiful gesture, and it appears that the rest of the world does as well.
Jessica received hundreds of thousands of “likes” and shares on Facebook. Everyone was in agreement on how delicious this tasted.
Robert, who is also a dad, told FOX Carolina News:
“I didn’t really know that it was making as great an impact as it did. I didn’t see him as a youngster with special needs or any other form of handicap. “He was just a youngster who wanted to be picked up, and it wasn’t an issue for me as a father.”
Isn’t this the sweetest story? As parents, we could all use a little help now and then, and it’s a blessing when you get it.
Play the video below to witness an interview with the helpful technician!