Jane Fonda has said that she really regrets the kind of mother she was to her three children: “I’m trying to show up now…”

It would seem that Jane Fonda has accomplished all she set out to achieve in her life, from being an Oscar-winning actor to being a well-known fitness expert and campaigner.

Fonda is also the mother of three adult children, Vanessa Vadim, Mary Luana Williams, and Troy Garity, who, according to a statement she made not too long ago, are the cause of one of her “very few” regrets in life. Fonda is now 85 years old.

In an interview that aired on February 19, Jane Fonda said, “I was not the sort of mother that I wish that I had been to my children.”

Fonda’s comments were made in reference to her own parenting. “My children are outstanding in every way, talented, smart. I just was not aware of the proper procedure to follow.”

Fonda has said that she is making an effort to “show up” more for her children today since she has gained more knowledge about parenting as a result of her advocacy over the years.

“In Georgia, where I live, I run an organization that helps troubled teenagers, and I’ve also done research on how to raise children. Now that I’ve figured out what it’s intended to be,  I had no idea at the time.

So I’m going to make an effort to appear.” In excess of two decades ago, Fonda established the Georgia Campaign for Teen Pregnancy Prevention when she was residing in Atlanta during her marriage to Ted Turner, who was the creator of CNN.

According to the website for the group, it now touches over 60,000 young people on an annual basis with the objective of enhancing “the entire health and social well-being” of these individuals.

She remarked, “What I’m truly afraid of is arriving to the end of life with a lot of regrets when there’s no time to do something about it.” This is what she called her greatest fear. “This is one of the reasons why I attempt; I’m trying to finish everything up before I get to the conclusion of it all.”

A similar feeling was shared by Fonda in an interview that she did in 2017 with fellow actress Brie Larson.

Fonda said at the time that she wished she had been a better mom and that this realization prompted her to begin learning new parenting techniques with the mantra “It’s never too late.”

Fold shared with Larson that she was working hard to “make up for what I didn’t know previously.” “I hope that my loved ones will be there to comfort me when the time comes.

I need to prove myself worthy of their affection in order to achieve that goal. I’m still making progress on it.”

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