When Priyanka Chopra and her husband Nick Jonas brought their first child, Malti Marie, into the world in January 2022, they shared the news of the birth of their kid through an Instagram post, much as many other people did at the time.
The statement that was included in the photograph said, “We are pleased to confirm that we have welcomed a baby through surrogacy.” “While we are concentrating on our loved ones at this very important time, we humbly request your privacy. We really appreciate your help.”
Unhappily, in the midst of the remarks congratulating her on her achievement, a more negative tone emerged.
People accused her of “outsourcing” her pregnancy by choosing surrogacy, “renting” a womb due to vanity, and purchasing a “ready-made baby,” even implying that she wouldn’t have a maternal attachment to her child.
Surrogacy is a form of assisted reproduction in which a woman’s pregnancy is carried to term by another woman.
Chopra discussed what it was like to be subjected to these criticisms at such a sensitive time and how it affected her. During the course of the conversation, she said, “I’ve acquired a strong hide when people speak about me.”
“But it hurts so much when people bring up my daughter…. I’ve tried to guard this period of my life as much as I can. Because it is not only about the circumstances of my life. It also belongs to her.”
In the interview, Chopra said that the use of a surrogate was “a necessary step” that she was “very pleased” she was able to take. She cited “medical problems” as the reason for her decision to utilize a surrogate.
And the actress and producer had some choice words for the individuals who opted to guess on just why it was that she chose to go in that direction: “You are not familiar with me…. You have no idea what it is that I’ve been going through.
In addition, the fact that I do not want to make public either my own medical history or that of my daughter does not give you the right to speculate about the possible motivations behind my decision.”
The fact that Malti was born at 28 weeks, which is considered to be “very” preterm, adds weight to her mother’s opinion. Chopra has said that she was unsure whether or not her daughter would live through the first three months of her life since she was kept in an incubator in the neonatal critical care unit.
After having such a precarious beginning in this world, Chopra is very protective of her daughter, both in terms of her physical protection (the actress quips that she has seven cameras in her room) and her mental and emotional well-being.
She responded by saying, “I’m like, ‘Keep her out of it,'” alluding to reviewers and online comments, “when they were attempting to locate her veins, I was the one who held her small hands. I will never forget the feeling, therefore, it is hardly likely that she would engage in gossip.”
Now, all three members of the family are thriving and content inside their home in Los Angeles.
And after spending decades “grinding” in Bollywood and Hollywood, the actress and producer, who is now 40 years old, has spent the last year taking a break from working on projects so that she may concentrate her attention on becoming a mother.