In an interview, the actress Priyanka Chopra Jonas discussed the terrifying circumstances that surrounded the delivery of her first child and gave specifics of what happened. Malti Marie Chopra Jonas, the couple’s first child, was delivered to them through a surrogate in January of the previous year.
She is the daughter of Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas. Now, Priyanka has described some of the frightening experiences that she went through as a consequence of Malti being born prematurely, which occurred an entire trimester before the date that doctors had originally estimated she would give birth.
Malti was treated in the neonatal critical care unit for the first one hundred days of her life. According to Priyanka, “she was smaller than the palm of my hand” at this time. In addition to that, she complimented the nurses on the effort that they had done in order to save Malti’s life.
“I saw the work that the nurses in critical care undertake. They carry out the will of God. While they were intubating her, Nick and I were both standing there watching them. I have no idea where they even obtained the understanding that they need to intubate her.”
Additionally, Malti makes her first appearance in public with her mother in a photoshoot for the cover of the magazine, which coincides with the publication of this story.
Priyanka herself also discussed the medical concerns that led the couple to decide to employ a surrogate mother for their child, and she was quite complimentary of the woman who would be carrying their child.
“Our surrogate was very giving, kind, gorgeous, and humorous, and she took care of this amazing gift for us for six months,” she continued.