Tre Booker, a young boy who is accompanied by a beautiful woman by the name of Madison, has often boasted about Madison on his various social media sites. The couple has been happily married for a number of years, and it is clear that their love is powerful enough to triumph over any challenge that may be thrown their way.
Some individuals have voiced their disapproval of Tre and Madison’s relationship on social media platforms like as Twitter and Instagram, despite the fact that the pair has repeatedly shown that they care for one another by sharing countless stunning photographs to their personal accounts.
Some individuals have gone out of their way to make inappropriate remarks about the couple, notably Madison, and it seems that this has motivated others to do the same.
Those made Madison’s weight the target of their misconduct, going so far as to refer to her as overweight on many occasions. Tre, on the other hand, would not put up with anybody being unkind to his girlfriend, Madison, and he would protect Madison from online trolls.
In April of 2017, Madison sent Tre a series of prom pictures that she had taken and uploaded on Twitter, then someone on Twitter said, “Wow, he loves you even if you’re fat…” in response to this statement.
Madison, who seemed to be in a state of agitation, said, “I don’t understand how people can be rude to someone they don’t even know.” Tre, Madison’s devoted boyfriend, was quick to defend her and tell her how lovely she has always been, also, Madison’s mother was quick to defend her.
The couple has shown that their love can triumph over any challenge despite the fact that they have faced some opposition and criticism in the past.
Since then, the pair has not only continued to be together, but their relationship has also reached a number of fantastic milestones thanks to their commitment to one another. In October of 2018, the couple announced that they had been engaged.
A moving video of Madison and Tre’s wedding in April 2020 was posted online by Madison, and since then, Tre and Madison have not stopped posting images on social media of themselves smiling happily together with their puppy, as well as other members of their family.