It’s possible that when you hear the word “best friends,” the first thing that comes to your mind isn’t a mailman and a dog, but the fact that their bond has lasted for 16 years is precisely what makes it so endearing!
In a TikTok video that has gone viral, a mailman and this dog have an incredible bond that has lasted for sixteen years.
Bridget, the lady whose name is on the video, was the one who filmed this unique interaction. It reveals her stunning senior dog, a brown-colored pooch, lounging in style on her favorite dog bed, which is positioned just in front of the front entrance.
Her dog is now curled up on the couch with blankets as she waits very patiently for her closest buddy. And just like clockwork, the mailman drives up to the front of her home with the day’s newest post of bills, junk mail, and letters.
At the same time, this adorable dog wags her tail and trots up to meet him with a “good morning buddy,” wag of her tail.
It is so adorable and so unique that it will make you want to put a grin on your face and give your furry family member an extra scratch or two behind the ears.
Not only did Bridget take a picture of this priceless event, but she also wrote about how her dog and the mailman had been the best of friends for the last 16 years. Every day of the year, she sits and waits for him to return.
A person who has a soft spot in their heart for animals was quoted as saying, “My former mailman would give my dog goodies every time he saw her, and when she wasn’t there, he’d put her treats in the mailbox.”