Joey Resto, a paralegal who lives in Brooklyn and is 23 years old, exemplifies the concept of empathy in every possible way. Joey Resto was going about his day as usual when he was drawn in by a shirtless homeless guy who was traveling on the New York metro.
Joey Resto performed the unimaginable despite the fact that he was aware the elderly homeless man’s body would not be able to withstand the subzero temperature for very long. He moved closer to the older people who were homeless and removed the white shirt that he was wearing, leaving himself exposed to the cold with just the white tank top that he was wearing.
“It just came from the bottom of my heart. I don’t understand how somebody could have gone by him and been in possession of additional clothes yet chosen not to offer it to him,” Joey remarked
That was not the end of Joey’s act of generosity; it continued after that. The guy came back a second time a few minutes after he had handed the elderly person his white shirt; this time, however, he was wearing a black cap, then, Joey carefully positioned the black hat such that it was on the head of the elderly guy.
“For the first time in I can’t even begin to guess how long, he felt warm. “He simply curled up in a corner and went to sleep,” Joey replied, demonstrating a profound comprehension of the situation the elderly guy was in by his response.
Joey’s surprising and brave gesture of charity for the homeless guy moved Mr. Lazaro Nolasco, who was also riding on the train. Mr. Lazaro Nolesco made the decision to videotape the moving moment that was unfolding in front of his eyes because he was aware that people in other parts of the globe need examples of such amazing empathy and generosity.
The good Samaritan by the name of Joey claims that he would have cherished the opportunity to treat the homeless guy to a cup of coffee or a hot supper. In addition to that, he wished that he could have made a donation of warmer clothing so that the older people would not have to endure the agonizing cold.
However, the elderly man was already in a deep slumber, and Joey decided that it would be better to let the old man rest so that he might recover some of the energy that he had lost. Not only did he provide the elderly guy with something tangible, but he also demonstrated to him that he cared about him on a deeper level.
Joey expressed his observation that the elderly guy seemed to be in poor health by saying, “He looked so weak and feeble.” “He wouldn’t put it on by himself, so I had to assist him.”