A firefighter caught a toddler who had been tossed from a blazing apartment building, and he wasn’t the only one. After a fire broke out in an apartment complex in Georgia, USA, a helmet camera captured the violent situation.
When a mom threw her infant from a third-floor balcony to save her life from a fire, firefighter Captain Scott Stroup performed a life-saving catch.
The dramatic video of the firefighter’s catch has gone viral, but the tiny girl was not the only infant Stroup and his colleagues caught that day. They caught a lot of babies and young kids whose parents had thrown them off balconies to save them.
“We were actually grabbing infants like a football,” DeKalb County Fire Rescue Capt. Eric Jackson told CBS.
Captain Jackie Peckrul, a firefighter, also caught an infant thrown from a balcony while on a ladder adjacent to Captain Scott Stroup.
Inside, occupants were “actually lowering their children down to our firemen, and we were catching them, and that was before we put any water on the fire,” Jackson told reporters.
A devastating fire broke out inside an apartment complex in Georgia. According to press sources, at least four adults and eight children were injured and sent to the hospital. But, happily, none of them had serious injuries.