In Aiken, South Carolina, there is a father named Christopher Emanuel who is the kind of dad who would do everything for his daughter Skylar. At the factory where they both worked as forklift drivers, he first became acquainted with the lady who would later become Skylar’s mother.
They were only friends at first, but their friendship grew into much more. Emanuel found out he was going to be a parent just a few months later.
However, his happiness was short-lived since he soon learned that the woman’s family did not have a favorable view of him. This led to his feelings of disappointment. Despite this, the couple had every intention of bringing up their kid together.
The status of their relationship altered as a result of his girlfriend’s decision to avoid in-person interactions with him and to request that he not accompany her to medical appointments.
Friends of Emanuel’s expressed concern for him, but he reassured them that he and his fiancée would be well, as would the unborn child they were expecting. On the other side, his partner did not show up for the baby shower that he had planned for her.
He was quite disappointed. In February of 2014, he found out that his daughter had been born more than a week earlier but that she had been adopted by a family in another state without his knowledge. The adoption had taken place without his knowing it had taken place.
The man’s reaction was immediate, and he immediately began to formulate a plan for how he might win back his daughter. In South Carolina’s Responsible Father Registry, he was already listed as a responsible father.
In addition to this, he retained legal counsel and launched a custody fight in an effort to regain access to his daughter. After a judicial battle lasting three months, Emanuel was ultimately successful in gaining custody of Skylar.
Emanuel is now making use of his position to provide support to other dads who are fighting for equal rights.
Emanuel contested the adopted and paid lawyers to support his position. He said, “My daughter was taken without my will.”
“I defended my rights to myself. My legal protections were violated in some manner, however, the most essential thing is that I must now demonstrate my worth to my child. “You can’t take my daughter.”
Now, via the nonprofit organization he founded called Sky Is The Limit Foundation, he is making use of his position to tell his story and help other men maintain their parental rights.