Your wedding day is one of the most significant days of your life, and having all of the people you care about most there to celebrate it with you is what makes it really special.
A speech therapist from Caxias do Sul, Brazil, named Cntia Bonfante Pereira assists children with Down syndrome who are experiencing difficulties in their speech development.
Because of the unique place that her patients have in her heart, her future husband, José Vitor Flach, devised a thoughtful and touching method to honor them on their wedding day in March of 2020.
When it came time to distribute the rings, the church doors suddenly opened, and numerous of her pupils started walking down the aisle!
The charming procession was headed by a little boy who was one of the ring carriers. He was strolling hand in hand with a young girl who was leading the procession. They were followed by little girls dressed in adorable outfits who served as flower girls.
Even more impressive was the arrival of two of the younger boys in their toy electric vehicle.
Cntia was overcome with emotion as she saw the seven special guests arrive at the wedding, all of them were dressed to the nines in their finest wedding apparel.
It is quite obvious that she is very proud of the children and that she is delighted that they are there to enjoy her special day with her.
When the ring bearers and flower girls approached the altar, Cntia and José made sure to stop and welcome each individual member of the wedding party.
The blushing bride reached out and lightly caressed each of the children’s cheeks while gazing at them with an expression that was unmistakably one of love and affection.