After experiencing some financial difficulties, a man’s last resort was to appeal to God for assistance in paying his rent. The door was then approached by an unknown person who knocked.
That Was Epic is a channel that was created by a young guy named Juan Gonzalez, who can be found on YouTube. It is the location where he posts films of his many pranks and social experiments to delight his more than 4 million fans.
However, in this specific video, Juan is shown going door to door and offering to pay the rent of complete strangers. The majority of people will benefit greatly from his presence. But it is a prayer that was heard and answered for one individual in particular!
When Juan approached the house of one guy and knocked on the door, it became immediately apparent that Heaven had sent him to this location for a particular purpose.
“Hello. Super random question. I really apologize for being a nuisance, “Juan poses the question as soon as the guy has opened the door. “I’m simply curious to know how much you guys spend on rent each month here.”
“Oh, I’m paying $1,200,” the guy adds. Juan utters these words as he goes through the motions of counting out 1,200 dollars in cash: “Cool, let’s see here.”
Juan asks the guy who is standing at the door, who seems to be in total bewilderment, why he is handing him this money. Juan gives him a kind grin and explains that all he wants to do is assist him in any way he can by covering his next rent payment.
The guy tells the stranger, “You know that I’ve been praying about this.” “I don’t have the money for the rent for tomorrow,” he said.
“Are you serious? “Juan answers. “It’s all clear to you now.” The guy asks Juan, “Are you an angel?”
“No. Juan adds, “I simply have a YouTube channel called That Was Epic, and today we’re literally going door to door and offering to pay people’s rent.””
“I’ve been praying. My current situation, which involves a change in employment, has proven to be challenging for me. I prayed when I woke up this morning, I was keeping my payments current, but in the last two months, everything that could have gone wrong has. It’s been exactly four months since we moved here, and since then, everything that could possibly go wrong has.
My employer went out of business, and as a result, my coworkers and I were practically and literally put out on the street. Even as recently as this morning, I was speaking with my nephew and telling him, “You know, the last thing that I could have that I would not give up is hope.” I’m not going to give up that one more item.
I have no doubt that this comes from God, therefore I will accept it, this is something that the Lord has given us to consider.”
As the two guys say their goodbyes to one another, they embrace one another and comment on how amazing it is that Juan showed up at this same moment.
After that, Juan goes on to bless a number of additional people. As a result, his act of generosity has a significant influence on all of the people around him. What a lovely exchange between the two!