In the autumn of 2022, Zander was born to Hannah, who resided in Halifax, West Yorkshire, in England, yet, she was clear that her kid would have certain difficulties in his health well before he was born.
Hannah’s physician informed her during the 26th week of her pregnancy that Zander would be born with two holes in his heart. Hannah’s remaining trimesters of pregnancy were filled with fear due to this development, but thankfully, the disease in question is curable.
On the other hand, when Zander was born, Hannah had the impression that her newborn had additional health issues.
When Hannah Doyle first tried to make skin-to-skin contact with Zander by holding him to her body, she had the distinct impression that there was something unusual about this kid. There were already three children living with Hannah at home.
“When I held him to have skin-to-skin contact, he was just different from my previous infants, and I knew immediately that there was something unusual,” she said.
Zander didn’t look anything like either his mother or his father, and this heightened her already existing concerns about him. His eyes looked to be very enlarged, and they had an almond-like appearance to them. In addition to it, he had an elevated pallet.
At the beginning, the medical staff reassured Hannah that Zander’s health, with the exception of his heart problem, was not a cause for concern. Hannah’s insistence on more testing was warranted, and she was correct to do so.
Chromosome Deletion Syndrome was determined to be Zander’s condition after further investigation – CDS is a very uncommon disorder that is brought on by the absence of chromosomes.
Zander was diagnosed with 5q15, and Hannah has only been able to make contact with two other families anywhere in the globe who have children with disorders that are clinically comparable to Zander’s.
Hannah said that “it is the toughest part since with every other medical problem, there is a greater amount of information available.”
Especially considering that I have not been able to locate anybody else who has the exact specific deletion that he lacks, meaning that there is no one else to whom he may be compared. Although Hannah Doyle was aware that Zander would have to deal with a number of medical issues because of his heart condition, she was taken aback when she received the additional diagnosis shortly after Zander’s birth.
“It was a blow, and it felt incredibly overwhelming and really terrifying because your mind goes into overdrive and you just start imagining the worst,” Hannah said.
Hannah is helping Zander through some really terrifying challenges ahead of them, but she is also helping others along the road and learning from them. She has wonderful mothering instincts and a huge amount of affection for her handsome son.
Zander, according to Hannah, is a “happy little baby” for the time being.