Deanna Shrodes, after years of looking, finally tracked out her biological father in a nursing facility, where she now visits and cares for him. She said, “I prepared myself to discover a tombstone, and I now found a person, and it was just really mind-blowing.”
When she was a newborn, she had been given up for adoption to a loving family.
Deanna Shrodes didn’t find her mother until she was 27 years old, and even then, her mother was hesitant to even see her daughter.
Only two short months after their first encounter, Deanna’s original mother passed away, taking with her the mystery of who Deanna’s real father may be. But Deanna didn’t give up. She was only given a few hints by her mother, so she turned to Facebook to form a group called “Finding Mr. Greek.”
Piece by piece, the elements of the jigsaw started to come together. She was aware that her father was of Greek descent and had been born in Richmond, Virginia.
After some more time had passed, the last missing piece of the puzzle was inserted. She was able to find a relative via 23andMe, and that relative provided her with a life-changing piece of information when he said, “I believe you’re my Uncle Gus’ daughter.”
The next day, she was able to communicate with her father, Gus Nicholas. The elderly man, who was 92 years old, expressed his pleasure at the realization that he was no longer lonely. He was encircled by his loved ones and friends.
Deanna added, “He went on to say, “I woke up this morning, and I was alone myself… And as of this afternoon, I have three grandkids, in addition to a daughter and a son-in-law who are married to each other. “And I told him, ‘No, you’re not,'” she added.
Now that they are together, the two spend as much time as they can getting to know one another.
Deanna Shrodes came to the realization that life is very valuable, especially considering the fact that her father may not have very much time left. Despite the fact that they hardly knew one other, she took the choice to relocate her father out of the nursing home and into the guest bedroom in her house.
Here, he is surrounded by love and family, and he has the opportunity to share the experiences of his life with his daughter, which is something she has yearned for her whole life.