That is a ceremony done to demonstrate to the entire world the prospective husband and wife’s love and loyalty.
But not in this case.
Although this wedding had to be a love celebration as well, it turned out to be something quite else. The bride-to-be discovered alarming details about her future spouse the night before their wedding, which altered everything.
She received a few surprise messages on her cell phone while drinking drinks with her bridesmaids.
The lady who was messaging submitted screenshots of the groom’s involvement with her.
The following message was included in the screenshots:
“I’m not going to marry him.” “Would you?”
The lady had sent images and texts indicating that she and the groom were having an affair. It began months before the wedding and lasted barely a few days before it.
The texts sounded something like this:
“It’s this weekend. Both of us It’s on, and it’s hot. “Bring your best.” “Your body is **** fantastic,” she says. And **** do you know how to use it?”I wish my girlfriend had half your abilities.”
Although the bride’s friends advised her not to attend the wedding, she ignored their advice. And then she did something unexpected the next day.
Rather than reading her wedding vows at the altar, she told everyone:
“Today there will be no wedding.” “Alex does not appear to be who I thought he was.”
Everyone in the congregation was taken aback.
She then got out her phone and began reading the texts aloud. As though the groom couldn’t take the humiliation any longer, he and the best man stormed out of the chapel.
After he departed, she told their guests that instead of a wedding reception, they would have a huge celebration to commemorate the triumph of truth over lies and deception.