On an Alaska Airlines flight from Seattle to San Francisco, a flight attendant named Shelia Fedrick, who was 49 years old, saw a 14 or 15-year-old girl with dirty blonde hair sitting next to a well-dressed older man.
Shelia expressed her concerns about the age and appearance differences between the traveling companions. However, the flight attendant was particularly moved by the girl who appeared to have been through hell.
Shelia reportedly approached them and the girl refused to speak or even make eye contact. While the hostesses tried to talk, the guy next to her kept interfering and became defensive.
Shelia stated that something in her subconscious told her that something was wrong. Shelia devised a plan at that point. She was able to persuade the girl to go to the restroom, where the flight attendant had taped a message to the mirror.
Shelia stated that the girl responded by stating that she required assistance. Shelia immediately informed the captain about the man. The pilot told the authorities, and when the plane landed in San Francisco, detectives were already there waiting.
Shelia had just saved the girl’s life after it was discovered that she was a victim of human trafficking.
Shelia confirmed that she kept in touch with the girl, who is now in college. Shelia had left her phone number on the letter she’d left for her, and the girl remembered it because she called her a few weeks later.
According to the study, more than 50,000 women and girls are estimated to be traded into the United States each year for prostitution. Last year, US Immigration and Customs Enforcement apprehended 2,000 people traffickers and identified 400 victims.
As part of their training, flight attendants are now taught how to recognize signs of human trafficking.