Courteney Cox, widely known as Monica Geller in Friends, has spoken out about her battle with cosmetic surgery. “There came a time when you thought, ‘Oh, I’m changing,'” Cox told The Sunday Times Style. “I’m becoming older.” And it took me years to achieve [youthfulness]. “And I didn’t realize that, well s***, I’m actually looking extremely weird with injections and doing things to my face that I’d never do today.”
Cox was finally jolted awake when she realized her close circle was gossiping about her appearance. “I’d say the day you realize what your buddies were talking about,” she remarked, recalling the turning moment. I believe people would speak about me. But there came a moment where I went, “I’ve got to quit.” That is insane.” Cox has since removed her fillers and is taking a more natural approach. “The scrutiny is severe, but I’m not sure it could be much more intense than what I impose on myself.” I’m a w**** product. “I’m willing to try anything.”
This isn’t the first time Cox has been open about his aging process. Cox has faced harsh scrutiny over her physical looks for years. She has been in the spotlight for over 30 years and had her initial surgery at a different time. “What would end up occurring is that you would go to a doctor who would say, ‘You look wonderful, but what would help is a little injection here or filler there,'” the Scream star told Cortney Pellettieri at New Beauty in 2017. You come out and you don’t look half awful, and you think to yourself, “No one noticed—that’s excellent.” Then someone tells you about another doctor, and before you know it, you’re stacked and layered. “You have no notion because it happens gradually.”
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