Even though Barry Farmer did not grow up in a traditional household with a mother and a father, the atmosphere he was reared in helped shape him into the incredible guy he is today: a parent of three kids.
When Barry and his 3 sisters were toddlers, they were put into “kinship care.” Kinship care is a kind of foster care in which relatives or friends care for a child’s needs in the event that the child’s parents are unable to do so.
Then, Barry often changed residences, choosing to stay with various friends of his parents. Because of the precarious nature of the situation, he had no other option. After he had some time to recover from his ordeal with his aunt, he was handed over to a foster home.
Barry moved live with his grandmother when he was just four years old. At the time, he had only just begun to know his grandmother.
While he lived there, he made friends with his neighbors, attended a reputable school, and felt like he belonged somewhere. When he was a youngster, he needed that type of consistency in his life.
Even though Barry had lost both of his parents, his grandma and other people were able to provide him with a significant amount of assistance. As a direct result of having that experience, he made the decision to become a foster parent.
When Barry was 20 years old, he saw an advertising for people who wanted to become foster parents and submitted an application. When she found out how young he was, the director of programs was taken aback, but she took a risk on him and granted him his license to become a foster parent.
One year later, Barry was given his first case to work on. In Richmond, Virginia, a young man of sixteen years of age just moved back in with his family.
Six months after the child moved out, he was given another case to work on, this time involving a youngster called Jaxon who was seven years old. Their bond was so strong that even after Jaxon had moved out and been integrated into his new family, the youngster continued to see him.
Barry and Jaxon decided to make their relationship more long-term after realizing how much they missed one another.
Barry was 22 years old at the time, and he expected that social workers would raise objections to the adoption; nevertheless, they did not. They came to the conclusion that Jaxon was perfectly content living in Barry’s warm and welcoming house.
On the other hand, the little lad had one more thing he desired, and that was a younger brother.
Jaxon was given the assurance by Barry that he would consider adopting another kid, despite the fact that Barry had no intention of really carrying out this plan. Someone gave him access to a website that listed foster children looking for permanent families, and it was on that page that he became acquainted with Xavier, an eight-year-old boy.
When he was 11 years old, Barry legally adopted him when he moved in with him and Jaxon and became a member of their family.
The size of Barry’s family increased when he took in Jeremiah, a child of four years old who need temporary care. Jeremiah’s older siblings welcomed him with loving arms, and Barry finally adopted him when he was five years old.
“Since I’ll never be able to repay her, being a foster parent was a memorial to my grandma,” he stated, “but at least I was able to pay it forward.”